Friday, March 22, 2019

The Old Republic: Rescue Mission - (2015) Short Film

Another Star Wars short film, this time set during a period not covered by film. It follows a team trying to rescue a young alien girl from the hands of mercenaries. The majority of the film is action with a firefight taking place for 3/4 of the film until resolved with basically everyone dying.

The film used the classic star wars shots, being a wide pan down from a skyline to establish where we are, then cutting straight to the action of the mercenaries moving through the woods. One of the things to note here was the use of a shallow aperture to create a nice focus on the character, highlighting her as an important character in the piece. However, due to the shallow aperture we get a  very over exposed tree in the background and the rest of the piece suffers along with this where a shallow aperture is used because there are times where there is a massive glow of light resulting in a white spot. But overall it doesn't effect the piece massively because what is in shot is shot nice.

Another thing the film does quite a lot are unstable shots due to the fighting taking place adding the feeling of madness. At times however it doesn't feel right because it the camera is too unstable and feels handheld where a shoulder mount would make it a little bit more stable and easier on the eyes for the audience.

One of the coolest scenes in the film is between the Jedi and Revan during the duel, the scene was an action packed scene consisting of a lightsaber duel. The shots moved with the action giving every hit a more impactful hit. The only issue with the scene is at times it the audience loses the positioning on the characters in the duel with the camera being all over the place.

Overall the film was alright for a fan film, it won a few awards and the Revan reveal was pretty good.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, night and text


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