Sunday, February 24, 2019

One-Minute Time Machine (2015)

This was a short film that was selected by Sploid film festival about a time traveler that travels one minute into the past trying to pick up a woman he meets sitting on a bench.

As simple as the story sounds, so are the shots used as most of them are just a simple mid shots of the characters interacting with each other. The piece also uses a wide shot to show the location it's set as well as to show the character's reaction to the situation. The shots are also well shot, being on a shallow aperture creating a nice out of focus shot.
There's a few other types of shots used to help the conversation flow, from various mid shots that pan left to right depending on who is talking. The sudden cuts that happen to show the various copies are also effective because it feels quite chaotic which is something the scene needs.

Overall I really enjoyed the piece, and it's given me something to think about which is that sometimes you don't need a complex shot list or story. You just need an interesting story with shots that are shot perfectly that can keep your audience's attention.

Link to piece:

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