Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bensplayhouse (starting 2013)

So bensplayhouse is a very interesting project that happened over the course of (2013-2016) which is various recordings each lasting around 30 seconds to form a story, while maybe this isn't a viable way of telling a story, I do believe that it could possible act as an effective promoter because it's snippets of a story which then a community has to work out, which there is a community for it who work towards finding out what it has to tell.

This ARG (Augmented reality game) had the community looking into each clip finding out about a man who was kidnapped while searching an abandoned asylum. The clips each show various actions in a deformed or distorted way accompanied with distorted sounds. This is really creepy because you only have a few seconds to analyse on the first go and it being quite dark too really leaves the mind to speculate.

I want to cover a few more ARG's as each is different and manage to form a community that are there to basically uncover the mystery. This strong dedication could work out well to help advertise but the only problem would be creating a piece that lives up to the mystery. A project like marble hornets is a good example of how longer and more frequent piece slowly damage the ARG because as people became more fixated, the more the creators tried to push new ideas that ultmiatly damaged it's fan base by forgetting previous story arcs and going completely off the ball.   

Ben's Playhouse :

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