Sunday, March 10, 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

So there was a lot of negativity circulating on both YouTube and other reviewing sites like rotten Tomatoes, so I reluctantly went in with low expectations but I really enjoyed this film.

There was a few places where the I thought the CGI was a bit bad and it was slow paced to start however it really picks up and gets better after the half way point.

One of the biggest things I liked about the film is how it suggests something and directly tells the audience but using one of it's characters it to act like the voice of the audience tries to counter act that. Eventually actually showing the audience that we are wrong but doing it in a funny way.

As well as this there is a scene that is full of a thick mist towards the start of the film using mostly a POV shot from the sniper's POV or tight close ups. This conveys to the audience that everything is going to start to become worse and the situation will spiral out of control which it does resulting in lots of fast shots showing the action taking place.

I loved the ship shots that are used as they feel like a Star Wars dog fight. It was primarily a singular wide shot where you could see both ships as the camera moves around showing who's got the advantage at the time. It would cut between mid shots from the pilot seats too just to show how the pilots are feeling in that situation.

Image result for captain marvel

I don't want to spoil anything more, but it's good, and really funny.

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