Wednesday, March 13, 2019

BTS on Oliver Tree - Hurt

Oliver Tree has recently become one of my favorite artists, and towards the end of 2018 he released a music video for his song 'Hurt' which involves some crazy things, like driving a tank down a main road, jumping off a roof and creating part of the worlds largest scooter so he can be positioned on it like Jesus on the cross. Also to accompany this is the BTS for the production as well as the storyboard/previs.

From the previs you get a to see the clear understanding of what they wanted to shoot, and from it I can see why it's so important to get it done, one so everyone on set knows what they have to shoot, from camera positions, camera movement as well as what they want in the scene so the production team can prepare props and equipment to create it. Thus on the shooting day everyone will have a clear idea of what needs to be done.

The BTS is created in a mockumentary style with Oliver creating a fictional character that he plays. But it does show some truths, such as one car crashing into another during shooting, or not being able to use the tanks for the time they want to.
One of the things I took from the BTS is that even though you can prepare somethings you can't prepare for and that you need to be able to adapt and change in case things don't go according to plan, other things I learnt was things that I didn't know how they did it, such as the decapitated head was him wearing a green suit and edited in post and falling off the building involved a massive crane with massive wires dangling him down.
Image result for oliver tree hurt

Music video:
Storyboard/previs :

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