Saturday, February 9, 2019

Jigsaw (2017)

This film sucked.

So let me explain, unlike Escape room this film was just straight up crap, the plot was all over the place with the people who I was watching it were completely confused at multiple parts of the film still being baffled after the film explained itself. The traps were uninspired and for me the plot was boring.

Image result for jigsaw
Really the only thing to note was the colour and lighting used. For the scenes set 10 years prior there's an orange tint to the whole thing indicating that it's the same time zone, where as the present has a blue tint running through. The lighting in the barn was mostly shot through gaps in the wood much like a real barn is where as the infirmary used lots of heavy lighting with lighting being shot out of the majority of the windows and doors leaving a massive white light shooting out of nearly all directions. Yet again doesn't feel realist for the infirmary.

Hopefully the saw franchise might actually die out for a good while before the next one. But seeing it has a cult following I highly doubt that.

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