Saturday, December 22, 2018

Wasp (2003)

So this was shown in a craft skills lesson and I wanted to talk a little bit about it because I thought it's worth while to talk about it.

So this does a very good job of establishing the basic information very quick about the characters. In the first few shots we learn that the family is very poor and is in the poverty line but also that they are a very rough family going out and fighting in the first few minutes over something pretty petty.

We also learn that the mother puts herself in front of her children but making them wait on the curb or throwing them around and this is shown quite a lot just by little details at the start where she won't have them in shoes or dressed properly. Then later reinforced by make the kids wait outside for hours while she chats up a bloke.

It also does a good job of showing body language. We get a close up of the mum's feet as she is talking to the bloke, where at first she seems calm and relaxed and then the moment she realizes shes in her nightwear she clams up her feet indicating to the audience that she is feeling stupid at that moment and is regretting what she's doing.
We also see how the children are reacting to the situation which as children do when their bore is to gaze around at their surroundings and mess around. With the elder one staring at her mum implying that the kid knows what her mum is doing.

All of this is conveyed in such little time which works well in a short fiction film as it doesn't have much time to get that information across.

Image result for Wasp (2003)

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