So this episode is about dealing with loss and that it might be better to accept the loss of a loved one then hold on as this episode explores it with an AI that uses the deceased person's internet history to form a personality of that person.
But I don't think it does a good job of it's story as it seems to drag a bit. However I think it does do a good job however of establishing the two characters before and after the death. At the start of the piece we establish fairly quick that Ash is addicted to the internet hardly putting down the phone but when he does put it down is very witty and fast on his feet making comments. Where as Martha is the opposite being very down to the earth and based in reality focusing on what's in front of her rather then behind the screen.
When Ash dies, Martha can hardly touch her phone, but after she is introduced to the AI that is mimicking Ash she becomes addicted to it, hardly ever putting it down and even crying when she drops it and it breaks. The new Ash on the other hand is the complete opposite of who he was, not touching any devices, always asking if he's doing the right thing, and void of character compared to the alive version. I think this change in character does a good job of explain what grief and do to a person, highlighting the extent we can go to try to bring someone back from the grave and it does a good job of showing how we can't ever replace them by showing us the shell of this AI that doesn't do the little things that Ash used to do. Which going back to an earlier post shows that they managed to show a lot of body language as well as language that Ash uses in the first ten minutes to really show how dull and void of character the empty shell is.
Like I said earlier however I thought at times this piece dragged on a bit making me check how long is left, which kinda indicated that I thought at time the piece was boring or could have been wrapped up sooner.