Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Little introduction

Hello and Welcome to my blog,

The aim of this blog is to allow me and others to reflect on any skills or information I pick up during my time at University.

A little bit about my past in college I create a few short films and other pieces as well as working with Toyota to create a information piece for their workers. However there is loads I want to improve with both with camera skills, narratively and socially.

One of the biggest things that I want to work on right now with the camera is to work on exposing a shot. The difficulty I have isn't with exposing an item or person but it's exposing the sky to make the scene look acceptable. In the past I would avoid shooting anywhere near a skyline but this make the scene dark, and I want to be able to shoot comfortably outside taking into account the sky's exposure.

I feel like there is still a lot to learn which I want to pick up on during my time at University!

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