Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Importance of Body Language in Film

Recently I watched a video on the importance of body language in scene as it allows the director to help convey to the audience a character's emotion without directly showing/ saying it.
The video in question was analyzing two game's cut scene being Halo Reach and Halo 5, but I feel like it's important to mention. In the video the person spoke how little head motions would indicate a characters feeling, in the scene the character jumps from a tower into a small helicopter to safety. While this is happening you're being fed a lot of information over the radio, a few moments later after everything goes to hell (witnessing a space frigate getting lasered beamed next to them) you see the same character clutching his seat as they fly away. This add more information to the character without interrupting the scene and helps get the audience more attached to a character. There are a lot more of these subtle interactions throughout the game which I could pick up on but I want to talk about the newest installment, unlike Reach, the newest game lacks any sort of body language from the characters making the characters seem very boring and un-human like as well as visually making the scene feel boring and uninteresting. I feel like this can be a interesting thing to start picking up on during films too, to notice these little interactions or motions from character and start to apply them to my own work to create a deeper and more interesting scene.

Image result for Halo reach Spire cutscene
I'll leave the link to the video down below for you to watch : 

Little introduction

Hello and Welcome to my blog,

The aim of this blog is to allow me and others to reflect on any skills or information I pick up during my time at University.

A little bit about my past in college I create a few short films and other pieces as well as working with Toyota to create a information piece for their workers. However there is loads I want to improve with both with camera skills, narratively and socially.

One of the biggest things that I want to work on right now with the camera is to work on exposing a shot. The difficulty I have isn't with exposing an item or person but it's exposing the sky to make the scene look acceptable. In the past I would avoid shooting anywhere near a skyline but this make the scene dark, and I want to be able to shoot comfortably outside taking into account the sky's exposure.

I feel like there is still a lot to learn which I want to pick up on during my time at University!

Shooting another scene recreation!!

For the last project of craft skills, we were tasked with shooting a scene recreation perfectly matching a scene we decided to do. W...