Monday, March 18, 2019

Black Mirror (The Waldo Moment)

This episode is about what happens if we let a mascot like Kermit the frog become a strong political subject that manages to win over a country slowly but surely by basically insulting the competition and saying what the people are saying without any political motive. This is quite scary as it's possible that something like this could happen one day with various polls on places like Reddit already trying to get non political members elected for leaders of a country.

From a film point of view nothing special really happened, I enjoyed the piece because of the subject matter it was handling as well as the whole prospect of a bear who would speak what everyone was thinking. I think the way they handled the moving truck was well executed using an actual screen to show the bear.

Right at the end during the end sequence however the piece goes from it's standard full screen to a widescreen showing a transition of time harboring a blue shift in colour setting a depressing tone, feeling like it's referencing the original Blade Runner.

To be honest I enjoyed this for what it was but I didn't think it was anything special.

Image result for Black Mirror (The Waldo Moment)

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